Flamin’ HE-K

It’s far too easy for us humans to get hung up on the stories/traumas of our past. What’s worse, is that we then up the anti and pour salt on it, by turning them into our future fears too! Oh, Lordy!

Coddle-Poppers would suggest to us that, instead of worrying about what might go wrong, maybe we should ask ourself what is the worse thing that could happen if we were to be pulled along by what excites us, the things that inspire us, and then focus on what we would LOVE to occur instead?

What if, instead of moaning about why ‘such and such’ hasn’t happened yet, we choose to be empowered and become the one to make it happen for ourselves, and commit to falling in love with the spirit of the journey?

Granted, our journey/adventure may require healing and patience, and we may even need to dig-deep to bring us into alignment with our new world of possibilities; but afterwards, when we’re living the life we know that we were destined for, would we really care how much time or patience it took to get there? We’d just look back with so much pride, accomplishment, and gratitude for every version of us that got us there, AND be grateful for all the lessons and blessings along the way.

This would be the perfect time to introduce you to Henrietta Entwhistle-Kikkenhymer (H.E-K). Henrietta Entwhistle-Kikkenhymer (H.E-K), is another Coddle-Popper that is not known by her fullest of full names. Her name is still referenced in full with this story, just for the purposes of being able to associate the nickname to the pertinent Coddle-Popper. Henrietta Entwhistle-Kikkenhymer (H.E-K) transforms energy. Energy transmutation is a strange form of healing, but when we consider that everything is in fact energy, that revelation starts to make a little more sense. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so what do we do with it?

Enter: ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’. The reason for her nickname ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’ will become apparent a little later, but Henrietta Entwhistle-Kikkenhymer transmutes energy. She is able to transform any negative energy to its opposite. As part of her process she uses fire, and thus the ‘Flamin’ part of her nickname.

A lot of humans spend too much time in their head. It’s a programming. We’re either too fat, too slow or any more of the same ‘too’ negative energy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, we’re also not enough either! Not smart enough, not tough enough, not good enough and so it goes on. These inadequacies then fester and when repeated enough times, eventually, become a trauma for us, and, a part of our reality.

The wheel really comes off then. We see our life through the lens of that trauma, because we all know that, ‘what we think about, we bring about’.  ‘Like’ does attract ‘like’ after all, and we always end up getting more of the same! 

We then get sick because of it. Our mind, with what we think, has the power to give us a dis-ease. Whatever we focus our energy on, we amplify. So, how do we get our mind to stop fixating on these negative thoughts and get them out of our head?

This is where Henrietta Entwhistle-Kikkenhymer (also known as), ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’ excels, and has earned not just a nickname, but an admired reputation from humans and Coddle-Poppers alike! ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’ has a process that, by putting our traumas onto paper will cut out the incessantness of having to think about our traumas for the duration of the healing transformation.

As soon as our pen touches the paper, it allows the trauma-thoughts to flow from our mind and out through the tip of the pen. (This method works particularly well if we do it from a meditative state (like when we do something mindfully and in the moment), because then it allows us to get off of the hamster wheel, and get into the ‘present’ in mind, body, and soul). Transmutation means: To change or alter the appearance, or nature, to a higher form. 

Having decided that it is; a) Time to take back control of our life, b) Having found a nice quiet spot with as much time as we need, and c) Armed ourself with pen and paper. Here’s what ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’ does:

Step one: ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’ sets the intention (which we repeat out loud).

‘I choose to experience a profound healing within me. I choose to be empowered to heal myself of this trauma. I choose to experience my traumas drain out from me, through the tip of this pen and transfer all of its  energy and negative memory to the paper. It is a one-way outward flow and what comes out, stays out. Thank you, thank you thank you, and so it is. Let it be written.’

Step two: It is then that the transmuting of energy begins. We write all of our negative trauma-thoughts onto the paper. As we write, we visualize the darkness of the trauma-thought bleed from our mind, out through the pen and onto the paper (black-ink pens are recommended). It works best when we write in cursive and not type through the computer. Cursive writing transforms thoughts into words; it forces us to keep our hand on the paper which is also good grounding.

It is a thought-stimulating process, that allows us to round up the various aspects of our trauma-thoughts. It also ‘turns-on’ our pre-frontal cortex (which is the reasoning and wisdom part of our brain). It clarifies that, in this present ‘now’ moment we are safe, it helps our hippocampus to process through the memories, which sends a message to the amygdala that we are protected and all is good in our World.

This writing exercise helps to re-wire our brain from that trauma. As we write, we visualize the black darkness of the trauma-thought bleed from our mind, down our arm, and out of our body through the pen, and watch it pour out onto the paper.

The latin word for ‘cursive’ is ‘currere’, which means: Runs, or, that which flows. Interesting isn’t it, how our thoughts also run and flow too. Because it is meditative writing, it also connects neural pathways that are connected in such a manner too.

Important note: Please keep in mind that what we put on paper gets released by ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’. Anything that we do not put on the paper, we keep, and remains in our head going round and around. She will NOT take away the memory, she will only remove the negative emotional attachment.

Step three: ‘Flamin’ H.E-K’ sets the next intention (that we say out loud), to transform that ‘trauma energy’ to ‘love energy’ with the use of fire.

‘I choose to experience all the trauma-thought energy on this paper, be transformed to love energy. I release these traumas with gratitude for the lessons and experiences that they have given me. I see you, I thank you, I love you and I’m ready to release you and let you go. Thank you, thank you thank you, and so it is.’

Step four: Taking care not to burn ourself, place the paper onto the fire and visualize genuine gratitude in our heart for what the traumas have revealed/taught us (even if we’re not able to fully comprehend the enormities of what they are just yet). Be content in the knowledge that nothing happens TO us, it happens FOR us.

‘I choose now to be empowered to change my mind to thinking in a more loving, positive way, and to allow my body to heal. Thank you, thank you thank you, and so it is. Let it be written.’

This is where the magic happens and healing manifests itself into our present, ‘now’ moment. The universe does not like a void, so if we do not fill it ourselves with the things that we DO want, then the universe will fill it with just anything, which is usually more of the same fears that we’ve been previously thinking. But this time it will be different.

Step six: ’Flamin’ H.E-K’ now invites us (on another piece of paper, preferably our journal) to write the exact opposite of what we wrote on the first piece of paper that we transmuted, in order to manifest it into our life. This time, as the pen writes the positive things, we visualize the love and gratitude for our new positive mindset. We feel all of the positive things as if we already have them. We are the authors of our own life story. Our mind is unable to distinguish the difference between what is thought and what is physical, as it responds to the frequency of the feeling. This is covered in more depth with the story of ‘The Fairy Stone’ which can be found at ‘TheFrequency.Center/Fairy-Stone 

We allow the transformation of the words to make us smile, and allow that smile to fill our heart. This changes and trains our mind to chatter in a more positive, loving manner about ourself. Our mind, body and spirit comes together lovingly. 

This is the turning point, when our body begins its healing journey, because the body will follow what the head says (because it thinks that it’s the boss). Happiness is fuel for our health, happiness is disease prevention… so embrace life and make the extra effort to dare to be the ‘goof-ball!’ 

We still keep the memories of the trauma, but we no longer have the damaging emotional attachment. When humans finally comprehend the simplicity of Henrietta Entwhistle-Kikkenhymer’s work and have experienced the peace that comes with the experience, they have just two words… ‘Flaming Heck!’

Other Services Offered

  • Massage Therapy
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Hot Stone Massage
  • Post Surgery and Injury Rehabilitation
  • Sports Rehabilitation
  • Kinesiology Taping
  • Holistic Health and Wellness

About Me

My name is Debby and my purpose in life is helping people live the life they truly desire, as pain free as possible.

My goal is to find the best option that suits your needs and walk beside you on your healing journey.

Together we can make a difference, it is the first step that is the hardest. What have you got to lose apart from your pain and discomfort.

Call for more information or make an appointment to see how I can help you. Appointments are now available for the community at:

The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Road, Stanley, NB Canada E6B 1E9



Phone: (506) 367-1801

(cell): (506) 262-5402

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The Frequency .Center

The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Rd, Stanley, NB


By appointment ONLY

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