The Fairy Stone
There are not many Fairy Stones throughout the World and because they are so very few and far between, it is regarded as a rare privilege, extended to only the very highest of the Coddle-Popper Kingdoms considered worthy of the precious stone.
At Once Upon A Time, you can find the one and only Fairy Stone on the entire American Continent, at the base of a fir tree beside the scruffiest, most sparse looking little apple tree in all the woods.

There are not many Fairy Stones throughout the World and because they are so very few and far between, it is regarded as a rare privilege, extended to only the very highest of the Coddle-Popper Kingdoms considered worthy of the precious stone.
At Once Upon A Time, you can find the one and only Fairy Stone on the entire American Continent, at the base of a fir tree beside the scruffiest,
most sparse looking little apple tree in all the woods.
Before you ask why such a special and magnificent stone should be in such a bleak location, the Coddle-Poppers know it doesn’t matter what anything or anybody looks like, because what other peoples’ opinions are, really are just that, an opinion from someone on the outside with no understanding of an individual’s inner beauty.
The only thing that really matters is being true to yourself and the integrity of your words and actions.
You see, one bizarre day at Once Upon A Time, some fairy dust had gotten blown onto a gangly little apple tree when it was still very young.
The little apple tree at that time was very conscientious about being different. Of all the other apple trees in the woods, the little apple tree was the smallest, weakest, ugliest, loneliest and saddest looking little thing there ever was, and every day the poor little apple tree would tell any Coddle-Popper that would listen, how much it longed to be the same as the others.
The Coddle-Poppers are well aware, that you are what you think. It is what goes on in your own mind that creates what goes on and happens in your own World. You only have to visit the Coddle-Popper tree of Wishes to see for yourself.
Every day the Coddle-Poppers would take turns to talk to the little apple tree and teach it about the power that occurs when you are grateful for all the blessings in your life.
The little apple tree even learned how remarkable it was that even the bad times lead to better outcomes.
Last of all, the Coddle-Poppers properly taught the little apple tree how to dream about what it wanted to be and believe that anything is possible, if you truly believe it is.
The little apple tree had its dream and, in that dream, it was special, Yes Sir and not just any kind of special either, it was the ‘mostest’ special that ever was!
It no longer mattered that the little apple tree was different from all the other apple trees, because in the little apple tree’s mind, being different is what made it stand out from the rest of the apple trees.

The little apple tree was not swayed by having to fit in with what the other apple trees did, it did not have to say what the other apple trees said just to be the same.
No sir, instead, the little apple tree stayed true to itself and all the other apple trees admired what that little apple tree still had, and that was…. integrity, a truly honourable quality indeed, being true to one’s self.
As soon as the Coddle-Poppers found out that they were to be blessed with the prestigious honour to look
after a Fairy Stone, they knew exactly where to put it, right where the little apple tree had dreamed that it would be. The Fairy Stone is no ordinary rock, no sir! Set on the top surface is a white crystal quartz of magical quality.
To make a wish you are to place your thumb on the magical white quartz and gently twist your thumb in a clockwise smiley face manner, for three whole smiles! All the time picturing your wish as though it has already come true, while feeling the butterflies in your tummy.
It will work anti-clockwise too, but the whole process takes longer because the fairies have to reverse polarize their fairy dust, and then do everything backwards.
My oh my, that can make it far too easy to make mistakes, you just try saying the alphabet backwards, that’s how hard it is. It’s not that fairies often make mistakes, no sir, but if you’re in a hurry to get your wish to come true, if there’s going to be a quicker way to do it, that’s the way I’d go, all the way!
Some people have even done a frowney face with their thumb on the white quartz!! Now that really does cause a pickle. The poor Fairies have to go upside down, to bring it right way up! All the Fairy dust falls out of their pockets and goes down their necks, they get into such an itchy mess.
This makes the wishes take even longer, because the first thing a fairy will do afterwards is clean herself up. Every last speck! If you have ever tried to pick up glitter before, you know how long that takes!! Yes sir, pesky stuff indeed.
It has also been rumoured that after you have made a wish and given it to the Fairies, if they see that your heart is pure, your intention is honourable and that you are truly grateful, your wish will be granted.
To prove that your wish is on its way, you will see the Fairy dust sparkle on the top surface of the Fairy Stone. If you can see the sides of the Fairy Stone sparkle too, that means that you truly are a very special person.
Another top Coddle-Popper tip is please don’t get impatient if you do not see your wish come to fruition right away, because the Fairies work in ‘Fairy-time’, not human time. Fairies never wear a watch, EVER!
Things always happen when they happen in a Fairy’s World. It is only humans that have become a slave to the clock with very busy lives.
Sometimes, humans are too busy to see all the wonderful things going on around them, because they even believe that they do not have enough time!! How strange is that? There is as much time as the air that we breathe!
So, choose wisely boys and girls and be careful what you wish for.

Other Services Offered
- Massage Therapy
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Post Surgery and Injury Rehabilitation
- Sports Rehabilitation
- Kinesiology Taping
- Holistic Health and Wellness

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My name is Debby and my purpose in life is helping people live the life they truly desire, as pain free as possible.
My goal is to find the best option that suits your needs and walk beside you on your healing journey.
Together we can make a difference, it is the first step that is the hardest. What have you got to lose apart from your pain and discomfort.
Call for more information or make an appointment to see how I can help you. Appointments are now available for the community at:
The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Road, Stanley, NB Canada E6B 1E9
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