Here’s Tommy ‘Top-Tips’ Tinklehausser’s with his weekly tip…
Boundaries are simply the limits, rules, or lines in the sand that we set for our own personal comfort/well-being. They’re are a set of guidelines that are both physical, and mental, that we create to protect ourself when we are around other people and in relationships.
Tommy ‘Top-Tips’ Tinklehausser is the Coddle-Popper who seems to have ‘been there-done that’ more times than any other Coddle-Popper. At a ripe old age of 973, if there was a hard way of doing things, he’s tried it (Not too dis-similar to some of us humans), with the wrinkles on his brow to prove it. Tommy ‘Top-Tips’ Tinklehausser has compiled a compendium of cases where an easier way was found which he lovingly shares with us humans with his weekly tips in order to ease the emotional roller-coaster that we’re on.
Having healthy boundaries is an important skill. It helps us thrive and communicate our needs. It’s really important for us to set limits. This is so that others don’t take advantage or manipulate us. A person with strong personal boundaries feels comfortable saying ‘no,’ especially when they’re asked to do something that they’re not comfortable in doing. They also feel no need to apologize either.
Everyone’s boundaries are different, so once we set our own boundary, it reveals to others how we expect them to behave around us and vice versa. Healthy boundaries are essential tools for safeguarding our mental health.
Psychologists (both human and Coddle-Popper), have discovered that when we set clear limits, we reduce stress, and increase our sense of self-worth. When we know our limits, we feel more in control of how we invest our time and energy. This sense of control lowers our anxiety and lessens the chance of burnout.
Maintaining boundaries helps us regulate our emotional responses. In deciding what we do, and do not, allow into our mental space (social media, toxic interactions), we create an environment where we can process emotions in a healthier way.
Neuroscientists have found a link between reduced stress and clearer decision-making. When we’re not constantly overwhelmed, our brains can switch more effectively into problem-solving mode, supporting productivity and motivation.
So there we have it, well-defined boundaries act like a mental immune system (they shield us from external stressors and at the same time, strengthen our resilience). How awesome is that!?
Boundaries may take a bit of courage and practice to set, but the mental health benefits are life-changing and lead to a calmer mind, stronger relationships, and a more sustainable sense of well-being.
If you wish to discover more about yourself and how life operates, please check out our Faery Wood Spiritual Quest. It’s a Spiritual Warriors handbook/Awakening Journal, complete with audio and exercises. A hard copy is also available. It walks us through our patterns, awareness, triggers, forgiveness, acceptance, intentions, purpose and many more areas of our life such as change.
You can find more details here:
IMPORTANT: Our mind is a magnet. When we think of blessings, we attract blessings. Likewise, when we think of problems we attract problems too. So we need to do our best to make sure to always have good thoughts and be positive.
More mindfulness tips incoming, but until the next time, keep smiling, and together we’ll change the world – one act of kindness at a time.
Coddle-Poppers and Fairies are not medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiotherapists, naturalists, pessimists, legal or financial strategists, or even anything else that could possibly end in ‘ists.’ If you need help in any of those areas, please seek the help of a certified, pertinent, professional.
Even though Coddle-Poppers and Fairies give their services for free and with love, all of our wishes, intentions and healing are released to the ‘Higher Power’ for the greater good.
It is for this reason that, sometimes when wishes, intentions and healing becomes manifested, they are not quite as humans expected, and also… it may take a little while before the enormity of the wonderful gift that has been bestowed is finally realized. Yes sir!
Coddle-Poppers and fairies can NOT be held responsible for anything that happens in YOUR life, including anything bad or good, with or without chocolate on, as a result of you making your wish or intention. The point being, that life is what YOU make of it.
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- Massage Therapy
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Hot Stone Massage
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About Me
My name is Debby and my purpose in life is helping people live the life they truly desire, as pain free as possible.
My goal is to find the best option that suits your needs and walk beside you on your healing journey.
Together we can make a difference, it is the first step that is the hardest. What have you got to lose apart from your pain and discomfort.
Call for more information or make an appointment to see how I can help you. Appointments are now available for the community at:
The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Road, Stanley, NB Canada E6B 1E9
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The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Rd, Stanley, NB

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