This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: DO SOMETHING EPIC. We all have something special to give the world, so don’t be afraid to share it. Do something epic this week. Be who you are, and be it well.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world. Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us.

Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete. Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal. If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so. Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of. If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at www.TheFrequency.Center

At our core, The Frequency.Center is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D. Our mission at The Frequency.Center is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready. You can find us at:

Social media platforms:

You can find more of our videos at:

Spiritual Quest:

Other Services Offered

  • Massage Therapy
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Hot Stone Massage
  • Post Surgery and Injury Rehabilitation
  • Sports Rehabilitation
  • Kinesiology Taping
  • Holistic Health and Wellness

About Me

My name is Debby and my purpose in life is helping people live the life they truly desire, as pain free as possible.

My goal is to find the best option that suits your needs and walk beside you on your healing journey.

Together we can make a difference, it is the first step that is the hardest. What have you got to lose apart from your pain and discomfort.

Call for more information or make an appointment to see how I can help you. Appointments are now available for the community at:

The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Road, Stanley, NB Canada E6B 1E9



Phone: (506) 367-1801

(cell): (506) 262-5402

[email protected]


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This is just a placeholder while we build this website. We really do appreciate both your patience and enthusiasm and thank you for your support.

The Frequency .Center

The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Rd, Stanley, NB


By appointment ONLY

Copyright © 2025