Contact Us

Debby Ann Woollacott

Debby Ann Woollacott


Email: deb

Phone: (506) 262-5402

Home phone: (506) 367-1801

Thank you for your interest in The Frequency. We shall make every effort to get back to you at our earliest opportunity.

As you might appreciate, we give our clients 100% of our attention, so we aim to respond within 24hrs (which means no distractions from the phone). 

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Grenville Woollacott

Grenville Woollacott


Email: empowerment

Home phone: (506) 367-1801

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This is just a placeholder while we build this website. We really do appreciate both your patience and enthusiasm and thank you for your support.

The Frequency .Center

The Nashwaak Villa, 67 Limekiln Rd, Stanley, NB


By appointment ONLY

Copyright © 2025