Here’s ‘Doc Doolittle’ with some useful tips on:
The point of this little exercise is for us to create a mental distance between us and our thoughts, feelings and/or experiences. In spiritual terms, we refer to this as ‘being in the world, but not of it,’ where we rise above the issue, and can see both sides. The difference between the two will be revealed after.
Danny Doolittle-Datsknowtworthy, is affectionally known as ‘Doc Doolittle’. Not because he has a degree in psychology (he doesn’t even have a PhD), but because Danny Doolittle-Datsknowtworthy prides himself on his laziness, and has no intention whatsoever, of doing any more that he absolutely needs to, and that includes thinking! He’s now become so lazy, that he can’t even be bothered to worry now!
Yes sir, what a waste of effort worrying is anyway. It’s either not happened yet (like me winning the lottery), or happened in the past (like when ‘Doc Doolittle’ discovered that flatulence is not supposed to have lumps in it). He’s since changed his underpants and other than that, there’s very little more that can be done about it anymore, so the ‘Doc’ has neither need, nor room for either (past or future) to ruin his present ‘now’ moment and all the wonders that it may present.
How to do Doc Doolittle’s fly on the wall exercise:
Set our Intention: Please repeat/note in your journal. ‘I choose to experience a better understanding of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I choose to experience clarity for me to see that I am NOT my thoughts and that they are just mental events that flash through my mind. I choose to see both the lesson and the blessing. Thank you thank you thank you, and so it is.’
Imagine a scenario: Let’s consider a recent event, situation or personal interaction that has been causing us some stress or discomfort.
Adopt the fly’s perspective: Now, we imagine that we’re a fly on the wall during that particular scenario. From the fly’s perspective, we’ll be able see and hear everything, but (because we’re the fly), we won’t be directly involved. As the fly, we’re just an observer.
Observe without judgement: As we watch the scene play out, we do so without making any judgements or trying to change anything. Being the fly, we’re just going to notice the events, the characters involved, the emotions, thoughts and reactions.
Note our thoughts: As we watch, we’ll notice certain thoughts or interpretations coming up. We need to try and see these as just thoughts. We label them that way too, for example: ‘I am having the thought that… .’
Return to the scene: Once we’ve noticed and labelled our thoughts, we return our focus back to the scene. We continue to watch without judgement.
By us embracing the perspective of ‘the fly on the wall,’ we get a better understanding of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It makes it a lot clearer for us see that we’re NOT our thoughts, and that our thoughts are NOT facts. Our thoughts are actually just mental events that flash through our mind. Were we not to cling to them, they’d be gone in ninety seconds!
The more we do this exercise, the less our distressing thoughts impact us. We also get better at handling stressful situations too.
From the spiritual perspective (if we’re really good), with experience/practice, we get to embrace/understand the perspective of both parties. We see both the lesson and the blessing. We shall eventually come to understand that nothing happens TO us, everything happens FOR us. We either learn or grow.
More about Danny ‘Doc’ Doolittle-Datsknowtworthy
Most Coddle-Poppers are usually referred by their fullest of full names, but Danny Doolittle-Datsknowtworthy is solely referred to as ‘Doc’. Partly because of his psychological approach to thinking, but mainly because he partially shares the same surname as the fictional character of Doctor Doolittle.
The main difference between the two is that Danny Doolittle-Datsknowtworthy has made it his life mission to do little too! Doolittle by name, and do little by nature too! Oh how the other Coddle-Poppers laughed, and they’re still laughing to this very day. It takes a long time before a Coddle-Popper joke gets old.
That being said, ‘Doc’ does have a valid point. Just what is the point of wasting energy on something that has not happened yet? Nor what happened in the past that we can do nothing about. More to the point, why would we want to allow it to muddy the water of our present ‘now’ moment? I guess that laziness sometimes does have its perks!
Danny Doolittle-Datsknowtworthy is the Coddle-Popper who embraced the concept of: ‘Why work hard, when you can work smart,’ and Doc Doolittle took it to a whole new level… and made it an art. Yes there may have been a fair bit of work up front in preparation, but after that, it’s just a cruise and plain sailing by comparison.
In his persistent quest to streamline stress and worry to cut back on his thinking time, Danny ‘Doc’ Doolittle-Datsknowtworthy now has a whole arsenal of tips and tricks to help us settle our racing minds. They work on both human and Coddle-Popper alike.
We are each a ‘Spirit’ (part of Source/Creator/God, insert your own Divinity here) having a ‘Human’ experience. Our life on Earth is an encyclopedia of experiences laid out FOR us (by prior agreement), in order for us to LEARN and GROW. Through ‘Natural Law’, no Coddle-Popper, Spirit Guide, Faery, nor Angel are allowed to intervene on our behalf unless specifically asked or invited by us, for fear of karmic intervention.
To work around this, the ‘Doc’ is able to ‘suggest’ ideas through the power of meditation/suggestion (as if it were our own thinking). Allow the suggestions to digest and percolate. It is intended as to tool to enhance our discernment skills. You’re welcome.
If you wish to discover more about yourself and how life operates, please check out our Faery Wood Spiritual Quest. It’s a Spiritual Warriors handbook/Awakening Journal, complete with audio and exercises. A hard copy is also available. It walks us through our patterns, awareness, triggers, forgiveness, acceptance, intentions, purpose and many more areas of our life such as change.
You can find more details here:
IMPORTANT: Our mind is a magnet. When we think of blessings, we attract blessings. Likewise, when we think of problems we attract problems too. So we need to do our best to make sure to always have good thoughts and be positive. Be sure to stay tuned of more mindfulness tips incoming…
Coddle-Poppers and Fairies are not medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiotherapists, naturalists, pessimists, legal or financial strategists, or even anything else that could possibly end in ‘ists.’ If you need help in any of those areas, please seek the help of a certified, pertinent, professional.
Even though Coddle-Poppers and Fairies give their services for free and with love, all of our wishes, intentions and healing are released to the ‘Higher Power’ for the greater good.
It is for this reason that, sometimes when wishes, intentions and healing becomes manifested, they are not quite as humans expected, and also… it may take a little while before the enormity of the wonderful gift that has been bestowed is finally realized. Yes sir!
Coddle-Poppers and fairies can NOT be held responsible for anything that happens in YOUR life, including anything bad or good, with or without chocolate on, as a result of you making your wish or intention. The point being, that life is what YOU make of it.
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My name is Debby and my purpose in life is helping people live the life they truly desire, as pain free as possible.
My goal is to find the best option that suits your needs and walk beside you on your healing journey.
Together we can make a difference, it is the first step that is the hardest. What have you got to lose apart from your pain and discomfort.
Call for more information or make an appointment to see how I can help you. Appointments are now available for the community at:
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